
  SEC終於還是對中概股下手了!政治不理性不可持續  2021年3月26日 根據《證券時報》報道顯示,美國證券交易委員會(SEC)周三晚間發布公告稱,該機構已經通過臨時修正,以執行《外國公司責任法案》(HFCA Act)對上市公司信息披露的要求。 分析認為,美國SEC正式通告,意味著在美上市的中概股將面臨更大的退市壓力。新華社此前的報道也顯示,雖然該法案適用於所有在美上市的外國公司,但是分析人士認為,其主要還是針對在美上市的中國公司。 受到該消息的影響,隔夜在美上市的中概股紛紛大跌,其中,騰訊音樂 (NYSE: TME ) (NYSE:TME)、唯品會 (NYSE: VIPS ) (NYSE:VIPS)、愛奇藝 (NASDAQ: IQ ) (NASDAQ:IQ)等熱門中概股跌幅居前,分別跌27%、21%、20%。同時,中概股ETF Invesco China Technology ETF (NYSE: CQQQ )(NYSE:CQQQ)跌超6%,KraneShares CSI China Internet ETF (NYSE: KWEB ) (NYSE:KWEB)跌超8%。 要了解《外國公司責任法案》(HFCA Act)對市場究竟會有哪些影響,首先要先來看看這份法案究竟包含了哪些內容。《外國公司責任法案》(HFCA Act)去年由美國時任總統特朗普簽署,主要規定: 1、如果在美上市的外國公司連續三次出現“非檢查年度”,將被禁止在美國任何交易所上市。 2、上市公司需披露自己與該國政府的關系。 Kingston Securities的董事Dickie Wong表示,這一法案可能會令更多的在美上市公司回歸香港證券市場。“股市永遠不會有沈悶的時刻,雖然隔夜美國ADR市場反應激烈,但是目前要說具體會有什麽影響仍然為時過早。” 此外,光大新鴻基策略師Kenny Ng則認為,在最終修正案出臺以後,預計中美兩國將會繼續談判一段時間,這段時間還會出現更多不確定性,在美上市公司的股價會有怎樣的波動,仍需靜待觀察。 而在美上市的中概股也並非毫無準備,從《外國公司責任法案》(HFCA Act)簽署以來,截至本周,已經先後有12家大型中國科技公司成功在香港進行二次上市。包括阿里巴巴-SW (HK: 9988 ) (HK:9988)、網易-S (HK: 9999 ) (HK:9999)、京東

Share a gov job with you! 政府工 HK Gov Job:即時傳譯主任

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政府工 HK Gov Job:即時傳譯主任 -


繁體 | 简体 | English
政 府 職 位 空 缺 查 詢 系 統
職位編號: 35277
部門: 公務員事務局
組別/單位: 法定語文事務部
職位名稱: 即時傳譯主任
薪酬: 總薪級表第32點(每月54,265元)至總薪級表第44點(每月86,440元)
入職條件: 申請人必須﹕

(a) 持有香港任何一所大學頒授的學士學位,或同等學歷[註1];
(b) 在綜合招聘考試兩張語文試卷(中文運用和英文運用)中取得「二級」成績[註2至5];
(c) 在取得上述學歷後有七年工作經驗;
(d) 精通廣東話和英語(如亦精通普通話者更佳);以及
(e) 能迅速而準確地作廣東話/英語即時傳譯(如亦能作普通話即時傳譯者更佳)。


註: (1) 持有本港以外學府或非香港考試及評核局頒授的學歷的人士也可申請,惟其學歷必須經過評審以確定是否等同職位所要求的本地學歷水平。有關申請人須把學位證書及修業成績單副本郵寄或傳真到下述地址。至於本地學歷,申請人在現階段毋須附上證明文件副本。

(2) 中文運用及英文運用試卷的成績分為「二級」、「一級」或「不及格」,並以「二級」為最高等級。於二零零六年十二月或以後考獲的中文運用及英文運用試卷的「二級」及「一級」成績永久有效。申請人如已在過去的綜合招聘考試中取得所需的中文運用及英文運用試卷有效成績,即已符合第(b)項的入職條件。

(3) 現時沒有所需綜合招聘考試成績或同等成績的人士,如已報考二零一四年十二月六日在北京及其他六個海外城市(即倫敦、三藩市、紐約、多倫多、溫哥華及悉尼)舉行的綜合招聘考試,也可申請;然而,有關申請只會在申請人在上述考試取得所需的綜合招聘考試成績後方獲處理。

(4) 香港高級程度會考中國語文及文化、中國語言文學或中國語文科「C」級或以上的成績會獲接納為等同綜合招聘考試中文運用試卷的「二級」成績。香港高級程度會考英語運用科或General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) English Language科「C」級或以上的成績會獲接納為等同綜合招聘考試英文運用試卷的 「二級」成績。

(5) 在International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 學術模式整體分級取得 6.5 或以上,並在同一次考試中各項個別分級取得不低於 6 的成績的人士,在 IELTS 考試成績的兩年有效期內,其IELTS成績可獲接納為等同綜合招聘考試英文運用試卷的「二級」成績。IELTS考試成績必須在職位申請期內(即二零一四年十二月五日至二零一四年十二月十八日期間)任何一日仍然有效。
職責: 即時傳譯主任的職務包括為立法會、區議會和其他政府委員會會議、記者招待會、大型會議、活動及訪問等場合提供即時傳譯服務;協助處理及統籌即時傳譯工作;編纂參考詞彙;以及協助即時傳譯主任的招聘和培訓工作。已精通普通話的人員將需要在稍後提供普通話傳譯服務,尚未精通普通話者需要在接受培訓後提供普通話即時傳譯服務。(註:即時傳譯主任須在香港及境外不定時工作,工作時須戴上耳機和操作控制台設備。)
聘用條款: 獲取錄為即時傳譯主任的申請人通常會按公務員試用條款受聘三年。成功通過試用期後,將獲考慮按當時適用的長期聘用條款聘用。
附註: (a) 申請人獲聘時,必須是香港特別行政區永久性居民。
(b) 作為提供平等就業機會的僱主,政府致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人士,不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性傾向和種族,均可申請本欄內的職位。
(c) 公務員職位是公務員編制內的職位。申請人如獲聘用,將按公務員聘用條款和服務條件聘用,並成為公務員。
(d) 入職薪酬、聘用條款及服務條件,應以獲聘時的規定為準。
(e) 有關每月薪酬及頂薪點的資料只供參考,該等資料日後或會有所更改。
(f) 附帶福利包括有薪假期、醫療及牙科診療。在適當情況下,公務員更可獲得房屋資助。
(g) 如果符合訂明入職條件的申請人人數眾多,本局或會訂立篩選準則,甄選條件較佳的申請人作進一步篩選。在這情況下,只有入選的申請人才會獲邀參加即時傳譯測試及面試。
(h) 政府的政策,是盡可能安排殘疾人士擔任適合的職位。殘疾人士申請職位,如其符合入職條件(包括在即時傳譯測試取得及格成績),便毋須再經篩選,會獲邀參加面試。
(i) 為提高大眾對《基本法》的認知和在社區推廣學習《基本法》的風氣,所有公務員職位的招聘,均會包括《基本法》知識的評核。申請人在基本法測試(學位/專業程度職系)的表現會佔其整體表現的一個適當比重。然而,該測試的成績並不會影響其申請公務員職位的資格。原則上,申請人的學歷、經驗和才能仍然是考慮其是否適合獲聘用的主要因素。
(j) 為確保能在限期前遞交網上申請,申請人應盡早完成網上申請手續,以免臨近截止日期時,網上系統因需要處理大量申請而不勝負荷。
申請手續: 申請人必須以通用表格第340號(3/2013修訂版)提出申請。表格可在民政事務總署各區民政事務處諮詢服務中心或勞工處就業科各就業中心索取,也可從公務員事務局網站 ( 下載。


此外,申請人也可透過公務員事務局網站 ( 提交申請。持有非本港學歷的申請人如在網上遞交申請表格,必須於截止日期或之前,把學位證書及修業成績單副本郵寄或傳真(傳真號碼:2524 2965)至下述地址,並在信封面(郵寄)和文件副本的每一頁(郵寄及傳真)註明網上申請編號。

查詢地址: 香港金鐘道66號金鐘道政府合署高座23樓2331室公務員事務局法定語文事務部員工管理室
查詢電話: 2867 4793 / 2867 4833
截止申請日期(日/月/年) : 18/12/2014 23:59:00
刊登職位報章及日期: 明報(2014年12月5日)及南華早報(2014年12月6及13日)
經互聯網遞交申請: 可以
發布日期 05/12/2014
版權告示 | 私隱政策 | 免責聲明

Civil Service Bureau

繁體 | 简体 | English
Government Vacancies Enquiry System
Job Number: 35277
Department: Civil Service Bureau
Division/Section/Unit: Official Languages Division
Job Title: Simultaneous Interpreter
Salary: Master Pay Scale Point 32 ($54,265) per month to Master Pay Scale Point 44 ($86,440) per month
Entry Requirements: Applicants should:

(a) have a bachelor’s degree from a university in Hong Kong, or equivalent [Note 1];
(b) have attained ‘Level 2’ results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE) [Notes 2 to 5];
(c) have seven years’ post-qualification experience;
(d) be fully proficient in Chinese (Cantonese and preferably Putonghua) and English; and
(e) be able to interpret simultaneously with precision and at a great speed from English into Cantonese and preferably Putonghua, and vice versa.

(Remarks: Applicants will be required to pass the Simultaneous Interpretation Test (SIT) [details given in the paragraph below].)

Simultaneous Interpretation Test (SIT): The SIT consists of two phases and will be conducted in Hong Kong. Eligible applicants will be invited to sit for Phase 1 of SIT, which is tentatively scheduled for March 2015. Phase 1 of SIT consists of simultaneous interpretation aided with text. Applicants who have passed Phase 1 will be invited to attend a briefing/practice session for Phase 2 of SIT in late April 2015. Phase 2 of SIT, which consists of three parts, namely simultaneous interpretation of ad-lib discussions and speeches and speech giving, is tentatively scheduled for early May 2015. During Phase 2 of SIT, applicants must pass each part of the test before they could proceed to the next part. Applicants are required to pass the SIT before they will be further considered for selection interviews. Those who have failed in any phase of SIT will be notified in writing around eight weeks after the test. As it takes time to process all applications, an invitation to the SIT does not imply that applicants’ qualifications meet the entry requirements.
Note: (1) Holders of academic qualifications other than those obtained from Hong Kong institutions/Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority may also apply but their qualifications will be subject to assessments on equivalence with the required entry qualifications. They should submit copies of their degree certificates and official transcripts by post or by fax to the address below. Copies of local qualification documents are not required at this stage of application.

(2) Results in the Use of Chinese (UC) and Use of English (UE) papers of the CRE are classified as ‘Level 2’, ‘Level 1’ or ‘Fail’, with ‘Level 2’ being the highest. ‘Level 2’ and ‘Level 1’ results of the two language papers obtained from December 2006 onwards are of permanent validity. Applicants with valid requisite results in the UC and UE papers obtained in previous CREs are deemed to have met the entry requirement in item (b).

(3) Persons who do not possess the requisite CRE results, or equivalent, but have applied to sit for the coming CRE to be held on 6 December 2014 in Beijing and six overseas cities, namely London, San Francisco, New York, Toronto, Vancouver and Sydney, may also apply. Their applications will be processed subject to their obtaining the requisite CRE results in the aforesaid examination.

(4) Grade ‘C’ or above in Chinese Language and Culture or Chinese Language and Literature of the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) is accepted as equivalent to ‘Level 2’ in the UC paper of the CRE. Grade ‘C’ or above in Use of English of the HKALE or English Language of the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) is accepted as equivalent to ‘Level 2’ in the UE paper of the CRE.

(5) An overall band of 6.5 or above with no subtest score below band 6 obtained in the same sitting in the Academic Module of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) within the two-year validity period of the test is accepted as equivalent to ‘Level 2’ in the UE paper of the CRE. The IELTS test result must be valid on any date during the application period (i.e. from 5 December 2014 to 18 December 2014).
Duties: Simultaneous Interpreters are required to provide simultaneous interpretation service at meetings of the Legislative Council, District Councils and other Government boards and committees and at press conferences, conferences, functions and visits; to assist in administering and co-ordinating activities related to the provision of simultaneous interpretation service; to compile glossaries for reference; and to assist in the recruitment exercises and training of simultaneous interpreters. Officers already proficient in Putonghua will in due course be required to provide Putonghua interpretation. Officers not yet proficient in Putonghua will be required to provide Putonghua simultaneous interpretation service after training. (Note: Simultaneous Interpreters are required to work irregular hours and/or outside Hong Kong, wear headphones and operate console while working.)
Terms of Appointment: A new appointee to the Simultaneous Interpreter rank will normally be appointed on civil service probationary terms for three years. Upon passage of probation bar, the officer will be considered for appointment on the prevailing permanent terms.
General Notes: (a) Candidates must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the time of appointment.
(b) As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic requirement irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.
(c) Civil service vacancies are posts on the civil service establishment. Candidates selected for these vacancies will be appointed on civil service terms of appointment and conditions of service and will become civil servants on appointment.
(d) The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.
(e) The information on the monthly salary and maximum pay point is for reference only and may be subject to changes.
(f) Fringe benefits include paid leave, medical and dental benefits, and where appropriate, assistance in housing.
(g) Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, shortlisting criteria may be devised to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend the SIT and interview.
(h) It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled applicant meets the entry requirements (including a pass in the SIT), he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview without being subject to further shortlisting.
(i) For the purpose of heightening public awareness of the Basic Law (BL) and promoting a culture of learning of the BL in the community, assessment of BL knowledge will be included in the recruitment for all civil service jobs. Under the prevailing practice, results of the BL test for degree/professional grades will constitute an appropriate weighting in a candidate’s overall assessment. However, the result will not affect a candidate’s eligibility for applying for the above post. As a general principle, the main consideration for suitability for appointment remains a candidate’s qualification, experience and calibre.
(j) To ensure timely submission of on-line applications, candidates are strongly advised to complete their on-line application as early as possible in order to avoid any last-minute rush of applications which may overload the on-line system.
How to apply: Application must be made on the form G.F. 340 (Rev. 3/2013) which is obtainable from any Public Enquiry Service Centres of District Offices, Home Affairs Department or any Job Centres of the Employment Services Division, Labour Department. The said form can also be downloaded from the Civil Service Bureau’s website (

Completed forms must reach the address below on or before the closing date for application (the postmark date on the envelope will be regarded as the date of submission of application). Please specify on the envelope ‘Application for the post of Simultaneous Interpreter’. Please ensure that sufficient postage is paid. An applicant will bear any consequences arising from not paying sufficient postage.

On-line application can also be made through Civil Service Bureau’s website ( For on-line applicants with non-local academic qualifications, copies of their degree certificates and official transcripts of studies should be forwarded to the address below by post or by fax (Fax no.: 2524 2965) on or before the closing date. They should quote the on-line application number on the envelope (by post) and every page of the copies of the documents (by post and by fax).

Applicants who are selected for the SIT will normally receive an invitation in eight to ten weeks from the closing date for application. Those who are not invited for the SIT may assume that their applications are unsuccessful.
Enquiry Address: Staff Management Registry, Official Languages Division, Civil Service Bureau, Room 2331, 23/F, High Block, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong
Enquiry Telephone: 2867 4793 / 2867 4833
Closing Date(dd/mm/yyyy): 18/12/2014 23:59:00
Newspaper(s) Advertised and Date(s): Ming Pao (5 December 2014) and South China Morning Post (6 and 13 December 2014)
Web Site of Department:
Application via Internet: Available
Advertising Date 05/12/2014
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